Thursday, January 6, 2011

Totally Useless Stitch A Long

I joined the TUSAL hosted by Its Daffycat, click here for info.  I have always heard that keeping the snippets is good luck for stitchers.  The snippets from my first project at as a teenager are saved in a jelly jar covered with a tiny lace circle.  Since then I have kept all of my snippets in…….

…..yep a plastic bag.  The picture does not do justice to the amount of ORTs that are there because this little sandwich bag is packed with thread.  So for the purposes of TUSAL I am recycling a triangular candle jar.  Candle jars are easy to repurpose, just put them in the freezer for about two hours and the wax comes out fairly easily, and then just wash the jar.  I plan on keeping this snippet jar for decoration, and I might divide up this bag and make some neat little ornaments like Charlene at Needle in Hand.
My Wordless Wednesday posts will be updates on a secret WIP for a friend.  It is also my project for the TUSAL. 
Happy Stitching!


  1. Lovely blog. This is my 3rd year participating in the TUSAL. Welcome aboard. It is fun seeing how much everyone accumulates during the year.

  2. Wow ~ that's quite a collection! Thanks for joining my SAL!

  3. Thanks! And I hope I remember the phases of the new moon to keep up with the SAL.
