Happy New Year! I know that I’m a little behind but better late than never. I was doing some house cleaning and found bags of old snippets, and I had leftover clear ornaments. So I decided to get started on making ornaments for Christmas.
The threads are from various cross stitch projects from my younger days. The yarn is from a needlepoint project that I made for my Granny. It was a Norwegian fjord scene.
I saved the wrappers from the crayons I used in the crayon art, and made ornaments out of those as well. It could make a pretty neat teacher gift.
I made another baby quilt, it was suppose to be a Christmas present, she did at least get the quilt top for Christmas but I just finished the entire blanket. This was done especially with a little girl in mind. In hindsight I probably should have used brighter colors but it is still a nice blanket.
And here is a sneak peek at my next projects!
These will be presents so shhhh!